Welcome to Vineyard English School

Free, conversational, English language classes for people living in Croydon

LEARNING. We host free conversational English language classes on Monday and Thursday mornings 10.30-12 during school term times at the Active Communities Hub, Upper Floor, Centrale Shopping Centre, CR0 1TY. New students are always welcome.

VOLUNTEERING. Our fantastic volunteer team are at the heart of all we do at VES. Whether in retirement, in between jobs, or just wanting to get out of the house, volunteering with VES is a fantastic opportunity to step into community, use your skills and serve others. We have many different kinds of volunteering positions including teaching, class assistants, administration, logistics, kids workers and more.

WORKING. Vineyard English School employs great people who are seeking to make significant change to provide better futures for some of the most vulnerable in society. We employ leaders who have the skills and expertise to equip others and develop VES.

FUNDING. Vineyard English School is primarily funded by Croydon Vineyard Church as a gift to the Borough of Croydon. Additionally we’ve received significant expansion funding from different organisations and individuals including Croydon Council, Just Sow, The National Communities Fund, The Whitgift Foundation and Ascent Fostering. We actively pursue further funding to enhance our service, and welcome direct donations.

SUPPORTING. Want a fun and easy way to support our work at Vineyard English School? Check out our shop! We’ve got some lovely VES merch and opportunities to directly fund resources for asylum seekers.

BELIEVING. Vineyard English School is a ministry of Croydon Vineyard Church - a vibrant community serving Jesus and serving the Borough of Croydon.

PARTNERING. We are delighted to partner with many different organisations to help make a difference in the Borough of Croydon. Over the years we have partnered with Croydon Council, Croydon Voluntary Action, Croydon Refugee Day Centre, Good Food Matters and host of others. We convene the “Welcoming Well” conference annually. If you are interested in partnering with VES we would love to hear from you.